Truth & Dare, an anthology of short stories about “Love, life and falling on your face”, edited by Liz Miles, has now been released in the UK. Contributors are: Jennifer Boylan, Sarah Rees Brennan, Cecil Castellucci, Emma Donoghue, Courtney Gillette, A.M. Homes, Jennifer Hubbard, Heidi R. Kling, Jennifer Knight, Michael Lowenthal, Liz Miles, Saundra Mitchell, Luisa Plaja, Matthue Roth, Sherry Shahan, Gary Soto, Shelley Stoehr, Sara Wilkinson, Ellen Wittlinger and Jill Wolfson.
My story in the anthology is called Cool Cats and Melted Kisses and is about Ellie’s Italian summer of imperfection, and more…
Truth & Dare is available in formats including paperback and for Kindle.
Read reviews on Juniper’s Jungle and Goodreads.
This is my copy…
And the back cover – featuring my name…
Here’s a close-up of the back…
And here’s my US copy…
And the back cover of the US copy.